I am pleased to announce that Infrastructure Canada’s engagement on permanent public transit funding has begun, and we are seeking your ideas and solutions to help inform the design and delivery of permanent public transit funding in communities across Canada.
This $3 billion per year envelope, announced in February 2021, begins in 2026-27 and will facilitate partnerships among all orders of government and enable us to address shared challenges, including increasing the supply and affordability of housing, building sustainable communities, supporting healthy lifestyles, and reducing the impacts of climate change.
Here is the link for the Infrastructure Canada consultation web page [https://www.infrastructure.gc.ca/transit-transport/consultation-eng.html], which is open from July 29, 2022 to September 30, 2022. The web page includes an engagement paper outlining broad policy considerations and an online questionnaire. Your feedback through this questionnaire would be greatly appreciated.
If you have any questions, please contact us at transit-mobilite@infc.gc.ca with the term “permanent public transit funding engagement” in the subject line.
We look forward to your ideas on how to design and deliver permanent public transit funding in communities across Canada.
Gerard Peets
Assistant Deputy Minister, Infrastructure Canada